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  The Parish of  St. Michael
and All Angels

Parish Theme for the Year 2023-2024

“Let the little children come to me; do not stop them;
for it is to such as these that the Kingdom of God belongs.”
Mark 10: 14b (NRSV)

Mission Statement

To give honour and glory to God by making disciples of Jesus Christ, empowering them to live according to the principle of God’s Kingdom through the ministry and mission of the Church

Mondays   5:00pm (In-Person and Via Zoom)
St. Michael and All Angels Church
*Except on Public Holi
*Please contact the Parish O
ffice for further details*


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Prayer Group
Mondays   4:00pm (In-Person)
 St. Michael and All Angels Church
*Except on Public Holidays*
*Please contact the Parish Office for further details*


Service Times

St. Michael & All Angels  –  Diamond Vale


Wednesdays  6:30 am                     Holy Eucharist*                                          

                         6:00 pm                    Evening Prayer (Online Only)

Fridays            6:30 am                    Holy Eucharist


Saturdays       6:00 pm                    Holy Eucharist*     

Sundays          7:00 am                    Holy Eucharist*

                         6:00 pm                    Evening Prayer (Online only)

The church of St. Matthew  –  Patna Village

Sundays         10:00 am                   Holy Eucharist

Church of the Resurrection  –  Carenage

Sundays         10:00 am                   Holy Eucharist


*Please Note*

(I).  The above schedule is subject to change.


(II). If a Public Holiday falls on a weekday, there will be no in-person service on that said day.

(III). Saturday, Sunday and Wednesday Eucharistic services are streamed to our Youtube and Facebook
        Pages at their respective times.
        Sunday and Saturday 
Eucharistic services are streamed interchangeably.
Wednesday Eucharistic services are streamed weekly.

        *Livestreaming Schedules are posted to our Facebook Page.


Featured Bible Verse

I have said this to you, so that in me you may have peace. In the world you face persecution. But take courage; I have conquered the world!’

John 33:16

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